What is an NFT?
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token and is a unique digital item. NFTs are managed
on a blockchain, which traces the ownership and transaction history of each NFT,
providing a unique code ID and metadata that no other token or user can duplicate.
They are also impossible to counterfeit and immediately authenticated.
Where and How can you buy NFT?
Users can buy NFT or collections using Ethereum from their wallet. NFTs can be
purchased on OpenSea or through another pre-announced Marketplace. Please
follow the announcement dates on our page and on our social channels and
How to buy?
1. Creates a wallet
2. Connect it to the binance smart chain
3. Get Ethereum
4. Buys through opensea
What is rarity and how does it work?
Digital collectibles may have different degrees of rarity, depending on the
collection: Common, Epic and Unique. The rarer the NFT collectible, the higher the
appreciation rate. Thus, there will always be more Common than Epic; and, more
Legendary than Unique. Digital Unique collectibles have only one copy (1/1).
How to find an NFT you Love?
How to Find an NFT You Love
About Us
2021 was an explosive year for the NFT market. At SApps we feel that this “bubble”
was passing and only NFT’s backed by intellectual property will really have value
and be attractive to investors and collectors.
In this way, SApps will place in Marketplace only authored NFT’s, with history,
supported by innovative technology, publicized in investor communities and in NFT
Where dose the Something Apps NFT community hang out?
If you like what we are putting out there, join our Telegram chat room. You can also
follow our news on this Telegram channel, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and
Linkedin. As well as in the NFT communities on Tik Tok.
NFT something Apps
Our NFTs are always preceded by a story, a vision, they are unique and timeless to
ensure their value. From a historical NFT, to places that no longer exist, and unique
works, always by the author.
What is Wallet?
A digital wallet works like a bank account for your cryptocurrencies. Make sure you
don’t forget your recovery key. We recommend that you use the MetaMask wallet
interface, the most robust and reliable wallet today. We recommend that you use
secure browsers like Chrome or Brave.
What is the Blockchain?
The blockchain is a distributed ledger technology aimed at decentralization as a
security measure, it is also a decentralized, user-managed database and
infrastructure for users who require a cryptocurrency to truly operate without a
central party and/or intermediaries.
The Marketplace
Our NFT collections range from Special, Epic to Unique.
The founders
The founders. Most times, founders drive the vision, future and success of a project.
It’s time to introduce two terms: doxxed and undoxxed. Doxxed founders have
made their identity publicly known so you are able to research their
background/history of success. Undoxxed founders have not revealed their identity
and often go by an alias.